Monday, March 5, 2007

Study Guides

Since I teach an adult institute class in our stake, I decided to create a blogspot to facilitate access to study guides. I email these to class members each week as a way of helping them get more out of the class, but sometimes even though I send my original (mac) version and a translated (windows) version they are hard for people to open or print out. Perhaps this will help the class access past study guides and print their own. I end up copying 12-15 per week on the church's copying machine for those who need hard copies. You could say the new blog is my attempt to save the stake money on copying costs - but really I just thought it would be cool to tell the class they can find the study guides at my blogspot. They seem resistant to looking for them on the stake website, so it may or may not work.
The new site is So far I have posted the study guides for 1 Nephi 2 through 2 Nephi 19. If it catches on, perhaps we could have a "virtual" class for people who can't attend for some reason. Cutting edge? Or an invitation to trouble? Time will tell.

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