Friday, January 12, 2007


A few years ago I had the interesting opportunity to host Carol Lynn Pearson for an evening and then drive her from San Diego to Los Angeles. She is a fascinating character, warm and full of energy and ideas. She spoke enthusiastically about "synchronisities" in our lives - she defines them as "meaningful coincidences." Have you every heard the same new word three times in the same day, or randomly picked up on a concept from three or more remote references over a short period of time? That is what she meant, and she tracks them religiously. Get her book on butterflies if you think I am kidding.
Of course, she was happy to admit that the more we become aware of synchronisities the more we see. Well, I had a great one yesterday. First, I found this fantastic site where there is a short video attempting to explain the ten dimensions. I won't pretend I get it all, but it was quite a trip. Mind bending. Later the same day I was doing some research for my institute class and came across an article by John Welch called "Counting to Ten." He gives a very thorough explanation of the significance of the number ten in the scriptures. So now I am seeing tens everywhere. It's a good thing.


Clark said...

In order to live up to my non-lurking request . . . .

This isn't a comment on the entry itself, it's a comment on the post time. Great scott! 6:35AM! Were these 10 coincidences keeping you up at night, or what?

Clark said...

I suppose Wendy has moved on to other, more secret blogs. Ones that no one will ever be able to find.

Shanny said...

Well that's not fair, we just found this one! And it's been so good thus far!

Clark said...

yeah, but just one post in the last month? Things aren't looking good. Maybe if we were to call her up at 6am and remind her . . .

Shanny said...

I think it would be more appropriate to the post if we called her at 10.

Clark said...

Good point. But of course, calling her and telling her to post is the antithesis of this technique.

Shanny said...

Though sometimes I wonder if it's really appropriate to reward someone with comments when they don't post. But then again, it is an attention grabber to see 7 comments at the bottom where there used to be 1.

Clark said...

Think of it as an alternative motivational method. We reward with comments which makes her feel good, thus inspiring more posts. Since the posting had stopped before the barrage of comments, we can assume that the wealth of comments can't be giving any bad habits that weren't there before the commenting began.

Clark said...

On the other hand, all of the posts made on the blog predate even the first comment. Perhaps the existance of that first comment is what killed the posting. Was that me or you?

Clark said...

I know I shouldn't, but I just wanted to be the 10th comment on the "10" post!

Shanny said...

Hey, I've got a comment that actually relates to the post! At Clark's basketball game last night, I was talking to one of the other wives and she mentioned that her husband goes coyote hunting all the time. Coyote hunting? I didn't even know there was such a thing! And then I was reading the paper this morning and it had a blurb about a coyote hunter who found a military rocket just laying in the ground in Washington County. I guess it was from back in the 50's and 60's when the area used to be a firing ground for the National Guard. Crazy, huh? 2 coyote hunters in 2 days.