Thursday, December 6, 2007

I only have eyes for you

I warned Patrick I would open his eyes in Photoshop by pasting Kim's eyes on him. He thought that was a nice idea. So here it is: Patrickim. We don't want him to go through life with his eyes closed, do we?


Unknown said...

Ok, Whitney and I had a great laugh over Patrick's new eyes! They'll have cute kids, don't you think?

Kim said...

Haha! Classic! Although, I must say that I think my eyes are a little too scary for his head. By the way, I revived my long lost Paris blog from the dead. It's still (although obviously the link is a lie because I'm not there anymore, but I figured it would be easier to add on to that one than to start fresh). Thank you again for the DVD! We (still) watch it on a bi-weekly basis. :-)